MODALIS² – MODelling of Advanced LI Storage Systems
MODALIS² will make a significant contribution to a cost-down for next generation EV battery cells by paving the way for an all-integrated development process based on numerical tools. Relying on extensive measurement data and material characterization all the way down to micro-structures, new models and tools and innovative methods will be developed.
MODALIS2 will provide degrees of freedom for the cell and battery development processes.
MODALIS² project aims at creating effective modelling toolchain so that, finally, cell specification, development and prototyping get easier.
To ensure the success of
MODALIS² project, it will be
organised in two runs
in an interative process.
Project Coodinator:
Martin Petit,
IFP Energies Nouvelles
Project Office:
Sabine Alpman,
K&S GmbH Projektmanagement